Services to Aboriginal Peoples
- Program Evaluation and Research Consultation for Capacity Building
- Needs Assessments (for health care, social services, employment and training)
- Program Planning
- Program Evaluation
- Economic Development and Business Planning
Selected Examples
- An Evaluation of the Demonstration Project EagleHEART: Building A Community Response To Violence, Williams Lake, BC (serving 16 rural/reserve communities)- National Crime Prevention Centre, Department of Justice
- Social Development Program AFA Management Assessment for the Gitwinksihlkw BandSocial Development Program,
Bureau of Management Consulting, contracted to Department of Indian and Northern Affairs
- Evaluation of the Canadian Native Arts Foundation’s Education Programmes
Canadian Native Arts Foundation
- Evaluation of the N’daawin Pilot Project for Prevention of Sexual Exploitation of Children Through Prostitution, Winnipeg, Manitoba, National Crime Prevention Centre, with the Centre for Excellence in Research on Women
- Evaluation of the Scw’exmx Child and Family Services Society, (with Elizabeth Robinson, MSW),
Sce’exmx Nation, Child and Family Services, Merritt, BC
- Evaluation of the Xyolhemeylh Health and Family Services, (with
Elizabeth Robinson, MSW, and Gordon Blackwell),
Xyolhemeylh Health and Family Services of the Stó:lõ Nation, Chilliwack, BC.,
- Four Community Urban Native Needs Assessment Survey,
Fort St. John Friendship Society
- GVRD Aboriginal Entrepreneurship and Small Business Gap Analysis,
Community Futures Development Association of British Columbia
- GVUAS – Mentorship Project,
Greater Vancouver Urban Aboriginal Strategy Mentorship Working Group