Health Issues
- Trends in population status, health challenges (injection drug use, mental health)
- Healthcare re-structuring
- Program provision for vulnerable groups (immigrants, seniors, disabled, women, low-income)
- Special health concerns of the aging
- Health-related behaviour in the family setting
- Substance abuse (incidence and treatment)
- HIV/AIDS-related issues and services
Selected Examples
- Evaluation of the Interior Health Authority Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program (for Heartbeat Consulting, Kamloops – a reserve-based Aboriginal firm), Interior Health Authority, Kamloops, BC
- Evaluation of the Aboriginal Patient Navigator Program (for Heartbeat Consulting, Kamloops – a reserve-based Aboriginal firm),
Interior Health Authority, Kamloops, BC
- National Environmental Scan of Trends in Injection Drug Use – 11Communities, for Comparison with Vancouver, Health Canada (as part of research related to the INSITE safe injection facility in Vancouver)
- Evaluation of the Living Well Cookbook for Women Living with Hepatitis-C Prostitution Alternatives, Counseling and Education (PACE), Vancouver
- BC/Yukon Council of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control – Preparation of Job Descriptions (with Bearing Point, LLP),
BC Cancer Agency and BC/Yukon Division of the Canadian Cancer Society
- Divisional Operational Review of Community and Public Involvement Division of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Board,
Vancouver Coastal Health Authority (with Zena Simces)
- Evaluation of the Child and Adolescent Crisis Program for the South Fraser Report of the Findings of a Survey of the Urgent Response Service of the Fraser Valley/North Shore Region Mental Health Services, Ministry of Health, BC Adult Short Term Assessment and Treatment Program, Fraser Valley/North Shore Region, Ministry of Health, Mental Health Services
- A Report on the Findings from the Phone-In Survey Conducted for the British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons’ Committee on Physician Sexual Misconduct,
British Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Evaluation of the Disability Resource Centre at the University of British Columbia Disability Resource Centre Environmental Scan,
Disability Resource Centre, UBC
- Training Design and Development of 5 training programs for HIV/AIDS Advocacy and Support Activities,
Pacific Aids Resource Centre